LOVERS ONLY Vol. 7 ~ Be Honest to Yourself

Ah.. Okay, I just finished listened to this for the third time and guess what, I ended up listening to LOVERS ONLY Vol. 3 and 6~

Okay so let's started~
This time the story told us about a guy called Morishita Tomonaga, an Italian restaurant owner and the chief of it~

He never had any spare time to even do some group blind date since he was just too busy taking care of the restaurant itself.

One day, he was forced to attend the group blind date along with his friends, and just like he used to be, leaving the date in the middle of the show
Then, he found a name tag with silly name: Green Zebra and found the mysterious woman which he referred as White-robed-woman.
He recognized that this woman is also one of the blind date member in the previous program.

They started to get closer and closer, without him knowing her real biodata..
I guess she didn't tell him the entire truth about herself..
But because he was just too blind, he ignored it.
They also do make many pasta together LOL
Then, he was like starting have a crush on her :3

Lalala~ everything went perfectly sweet until he got accident while playing basketball (I think he got serious wound) and was delivered to the nearest hospital.
When he arrived to the ICU room, he saw a silhouette of a young woman with white robe. She let him in, and he recognized that it was her.
#BGM: thunder~

So then, they were like stop contacting each other..
Then he was like feeling guilty out of all the reasons (while back then he was like mad for having her not telling him about the truth)
Then he contacted her to invite her for a dinner date~
There he cooked her Peperoni pasta and confess bla bla bla

In the LOVERS ONLY track, they started it with hot kisses and then do it passionately, well not as good as Midorikawa did in the volume 3 
But I guess it's still worth to listen since it's quite lovely compared to the boss-subordinate relationship we got in the vol. 06

At least in this volume, we got a new couple instead of having affair or even backstreet~

So... this CD is quite good even though the name of the seiyuu is very strange and I am indeed very unfamiliar with it.
The music is okay to me, and the plot is fine too
But still, I am not quite okay with the end...

Okay, call me old-fashioned or whatever..
But I really think you should be more responsible after did it to her rather than just asking her to be your gf...

Overall, I guess I can give this CD 8 out of 10
And you can download this from here~


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