Review: Kareshi Igai Type D ~ Z:

Yeaaaaahh.. I finally able to do this review~
It took me lots of time to do the preparation for the exams~
And I even haven't learn half of it Dx

Give me some spare time to do hobby, won;t you, teachers??
I'm surely become more distress nowadays
So, when I read the news of the update of the last volume of Kareshi Igai Type D, I automatically got excited when i knew that the cast would be Morikawa-san..
I have to admit that I am his fan nowadays~
I love his voice when he was charged in to an adult one..
I almost blushing when I heard his line in LOVERS ONLY >///<

This CD is about our affairs with our boyfriend's family member, and this volume is with.. his father..
I actually can't imagine it well..
I mean, he would just too old for me to have an affair with in real life, right?
But, since this is Morikawa-san, I decided to imagine him as a 30 y.o guy instead of being my boyfriend's father :3

The starting of the story tells us how he actually had acknowledged that she (the heroine) was his child's girlfriend, and yet he doesn't want to lose her..

The story simply told us that they are in the same work place.. I assume he was somewhat her senior or her chief there, I'm not sure..
he helped her to prepare for her first presentation there and asked her to have dinner together where I think he treated her with their fave foods..
And when he was like about ordering some more, she accidentally did something clumsy which made his shirt soaked with liquid (I don't know whether it was kikoman, tea, beer, or coffee)

She immediately apologized and bla bla bla
He went her home and the next day he asked her to go to have some lunch or something..
and some chit chat in the park where he used to brought her girlfriend to play when hew was still little.

Things went on and on, and sometimes later he was like asking her to do some strolling and then guess what? He took her to his home and had sex there...
(Apparently, his child had moved out from his house and his wife had passed away)
He apologized and she ran away.

The next day, she got absented and he called her.
She just went to work like usual the next day only to find out that she was going to be disturbed by this awesome oyajii~
He asked what happened with her face and she didn't answer, and he already knew that it was his child's mark on her face (a.k.a slap mark XD)
He knew he can do nothing but to comfort her, and when he tried to do it, she was like distancing away from him..
Then, he confessed how he loved her despite the fact that she was already belonged to his little boy...
She answered nothing..

When she was making like coffee, he appeared again (duh!)
And he asked her to just leave her bf and be with his oyajii~

In the bad end, of course she decided to choose her boyfriend.
He was like disappointed to be sure, but then he promised to keep protecting her as her father in law from now on.

In the good end, she chose him and they got sexy time with hot make outs in her workplace!
Some times later, they keep having this secret affair..
He asked her whether she had told his son about their relationship, but she hadn't..
And he admit that it would be very hard for his son to accept such truth then he kissed her again.

I love the art, I love the music, and I love the plot line where there are no yandere guy, no tsundere guy and just a well-minded oyajii.
I like this character actually..
And I would be more than glad to give this CD 9.7 out of 10

I heard that the after story drama CD would be released this month~
I really can't wait for it actually since I am quite impressed with the three of them..


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