Review: Vanquish Brother Vol. 02 ~ White Tiger

I can't believe I am making review when I was in a pre-test for my final exam project here at my college..
Heh, who cares~

Let's started this and fangirling moreeee and moreeeeeee~

Basically this guy, Shingen is a badass manbitch who is known through the school for his charisma and flirty nature. It was said that one glare from him would make thousands fell in love with him. His character are extremely the opposite of his brother, Nobunaga who scared me like hell when I heard his voice in the previous volume. Not only that, his personality is quite contradict with his twin little brother.

So the story here started at school when he encountered the heroine and called her to come with him, only to be caught and kidnapped by him

I'm not sure who he called during the walk, for he actually called most of his brothers to tease them to death that they lost her and she would be his in order to make the house his.

So the point is, he dragged her to his room. And then took her for a bath together. Nothing really happened here actually..
He only kept teasing as she kept blushing all the way since he was like "Oi, we're going to marry someday, why are you being so shy?"

They spent a lot of time there and he only realized that she wasn't blushing, but having a FEVER~
God, Kakki...

So then, he took her outside and brought ice cream for her.
I thought he was like flirting with her again while she was eating the ice..
He was like "Hey hey, your ice is melting now, quick eat it!"

And then, when her fever wasn't getting anywhere better, he decided to do some fanservice hahah~
Of course it was only kissing.. but c'mon, I mean it was HOT >///<


I like this volume rather than the first one. The plot is more likely colorful to me..
I was death to bored when I listened to Nobunaga's 
But here, I even laughed when i heard him calling out to her when she was actually asleep already XD

The music is... well too old fashioned to me..
I just don't think it suits the story well

I am actually impressed with the cover art~
I just realized that Kakki got lots of character with blonde hair and blue eyes this year~
And I just love it~!!!

I love this CD, so I'll give this CD 8 out of 10

It's a shame for the music actually :\


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