Review: Reversible Vol. 01 ~ Ore-sama Boyfriend Takeru

Soo, because May is my favorite month since it's my birth month,
I'll post lotsa reviews here~ ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆

Aaaandd today I'll post a review for this CD and it will be a long one~
And before I do it, I'll warn you for its ADULT CONTENT~!
So listen to it with your own risk!!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ 

The story stater when you came to his house and by waiting for his arrival, doing your report for tomorrow.
He came home and stated he was tired and wanted to sleep.
So he, being tsundere, keep insisting to sleep, but you keep working and typing your laptop
He instantly became annoyed and halt your work.

"Hey, did you actually hear your dear boyfriend called you? That's why stop your doings there and look at me by the eyes!"

He tried to conceive you to relax along with him. But you shot back that the report was supposedly used for tomorrow and he started blabbering again like a child.
You teased him being mad and he denied it cutely before actually grabbed you to face him.

"You know the reason you're here as well... let's go to bed,"

He tried to make you stop your work but failed again. Hahahaha~
He became really pissed off and eventually let you did your urgent report thing.
So, you, being ignorance girlfriend, started working again when you suddenly feel his kisses on your neck.
You stopped in shock and he only grinned at you

"What are you looking at? It's just as usual isn't it?"

When you asked what he was doing, he answered that since you're busy, he would do it by himself to pleasure you.
He even actually asked if it's okay if you stop your doing since the report is something urgent for tomorrow's meeting.

"Why are your hands stop?"

Of course you answered you cannot do it with him making you horny there.
So he, became a prideful Ore-sama, still grabbed you and kissed you here and there
Until one point, he actually handcuffed you so you couldn't move.
He said it was one of his toy.

"Let me hear your beautiful voice," was what he said as he kissed you again in a more sensitive part. ( =ノωヽ=)

He kissed you, he 'ate' you, he pleased you, and he even made you beg to him to did it to you awesomely
Mind you that you're still handcuffed by him while he pleased you

"Hey, tell me who's the one who did this to you. Yes it's me. I am the only one who would give you this pleasure..."

"Open your legs... more... more...more..." (>////<)

Long story short, he actually somewhat made you horny and wanted him and in the end of the first track, he actually got what he want from you, S.E.X
Believe me when I say that reading a review for this CD won't make you feel the real sensation of this CD!

And guess what, after you're sated, he started making his second round's moves
But.. you fought him and instead handcuffed him while packing up
That's when he became panic and exclaimed how he actually missed you~!
His face turned red and he actually became super dere-dere while confessing how lonely he was since you became busy
Though he admitted that the one that made them like that was him in the first place

So you came back and hugged him.
He became his mature self again instead of the dere-dere one
I'm glad he actually had this kind of personality

"..I really want to touch you.." (o´ω`o)ノ

You eventually asked where he got the handcuff and he got panic again and actually answered that it was his friend's property.
With him being so sweet, you can't help but melting with his actions~
Then you gave him some 'service time' with one thing: keep playing with the handcuff thing
He was terrified at first to hear your request. But knowing to have more time with you by granting it, he finally allowed you to play with it as well. (You put it on him!!!! XD)

Then, you gave him a hard-but-fast blowjob before finally made him red again since he admitted that it was fast for him
He defended that he was fast since it's been a long time since the last tine you two did it

So, more awesome セクス and you got sated together in pillow talk track
Some ecchi things were spoken there
And guess what, in the last track, he actually asked you for the third round~!!!

MY THOGUHT of this CD:
Deeply in love with it!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
I can't believe I intended not to hear it in the first place
Well, it can't be helped since the cover is not really appealing to me
But listening to how sweet and cute this Takeru guy was in the story, i couldn't help but blushing all the time!!! (´。• ω •。`) ♡

No BGM, only sound effects here and there
Something natural nowadays, I suppose

A big NO for the cover.
I personally think they could use a better art for it..
I just don't feel that the cover actually portray this Takeru guy's personality

BUT STILL, this CD is an awesome thing!!!
That means, it is worth to listen with a 9.7 out of 10 from me~!!!


Unknown said...

That drama cd is so awesome! I totally fallin in love with Takeru>< He's so tsundere and i love it so much >///< Thanks for your review ^^

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