Yonshoku no Shishaisha to Hangyaku no Gouka Vol. 01 ~ Aoi Ou

I come up with another CD to be reviewed~!!!

So today, I'm gonna review about this new drama CD called Yonshoku no Shishaisha to Hangyau no Gouka which tells us stories about the world when the colors just created and there were some kingdom with different races inside. There are some types of people that time: blue, red, white, black, and colorless people
Each of those color has its own kingdom except the colorless one.
You can say that the colorless is ranked to be the lowest and thus became somewhat like low people everywhere.
Long time ago, the kings of four kingdoms had made an agreement to keep the peace in the world
But it only lasted for 10 years and the world are know in a ruin condition where each kingdom got a beautiful heroine with flaming fire of revenge in her eyes (n.b: it's you girl!)

So, the first kingdom here is Blue Kingdom with the Blue King was very freak with something called ice mannequin
That means he would abduct anything he considered as beautiful and made them as mannequin (with wax of course) and store them with ice and collect them inside his beautiful castle

The story started with you the listener staring at his carriage while he paid some duty to visit his people in town
When he saw you, he stopped the carriage and started talking weird with some deadly threats to you
idk why, but you ended up went with him to his castle where he showed you his habit of "saving beautiful things and creatures as mannequin and save it inside the room in his castle"

 So, of course, being a R-18 drama CD, this CD won't go without any mature scene here and there
Though I should warn you all that this CD doesn't only contain those properties but also featured with some sadism
(He wanted to bathe you in a wax and made you his mannequin, remember?)

Long story short, you guys did it like,  everyday...
And someday, you felt so desperate and he became an emo all of sudden
Saying he knew why you went with him in the first place, to kill him
So he started bawwing here and there when he suddenly just confessed his feeling

"Why does my heart feel so hurt? This must be because I actually love you.."

And guess what, he did this emo thing while you guys did it again
Forgive my lack in listening (and especially reading kanji LEL), but I really couldn't grabbed the idea of what the heck was actually happening there
But I knew he ended up DIE.
Yes.. like death, soulless, and became corpse...

Shocked? Yeah, me too..
Thaaaat was just unpredictable and it really made me opened my eyes widely and asked myself what I just heard for the last 45 minutes actually.
Indeed, it was actually pretty shocking
Good work hitsujigumo!!!!

Overall thoughts:
So, the cover excited me with its art. I really love the entire covers for those 4 volumes
Especially the one for White King!!
But the Blue King cover surely brought a unique feeling too~
And I must see to saving those arts that available for this series!

The music is very..... blend in with the plot line
The drama things here is just the part of that cool guy bawwing while came and then just die like that
LOL, seriously, I never expect such see to be exist

The plotline is just new..(Thanks to the death end~)
Overall, even though this series are pretty much expected to give us sad emotions,
I still feel like to listen to the other volumes
Especially because my idol, Okitsu-san is there too!!!

Well, I cannot say I hate this CD after all
So I will give it 8.7 out of 10~


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