Review: Torikago no Toraware Hime : Shiro Kishi no Shou

[Update!] I decided to re-edit this post. When I re-read it again, I thought my review here was too short that I just told you the synopsis instead of the story itself, that's why I decided to re-write it now.
I hope you'll enjoy the new one~

Torikago no Toraware Hime: Shiro Kishi no Shou

So let's get started with another so called review~
Next is a new drama cd that just published 7th July this year :)

Torikago no Toraware Hime series is a drama cd about us as the princess of a kingdom. And we are supposely marry the crown prince of the neighbour kingdom named Vincent William Soldriva.
Unfortunately, instead of the crown prince who shown up as the ambassador of the kingdom, his so called knight, William, did it in his place.

It's funny how we keep calling him with honorific despite our status as a princess there ^^

This knight was ordered to be our knight during our journey to the kingdom of our future husband. That means, he would always be beside us to protect us~

In the first day, he escorted us with the carriage.
He even helped us down the carriage like a gentleman (which did a good impact on me #nosebleeds)
He asked whether we wanted to continue the stroll or just stop it since we looked so tired.
But since we asked to keep the show, he let us be. Good boy~ ^w^

Then, we visited such building. I'm not sure whether it was a building n progress or just a store. All that I knew, after giving some explanations to us, the stack of things near us crumbled and almost hurt us. Thank God, we got this awesome knight who protected us~

The next track took place in a forest, where some soldiers from a neighbour kingdom tried to attack and steal us away from him.
Of course, he wouldn't let it happened.
So he decided to take you to somewhere safe.
Unfortunately he got hurt while trying to escape with his horse.
After we found a safe place, we looked at him and decided to rip our dress only to treat his wound~<3
Of course he was also touched by this act.

The night came and it got windy that we shivered from cold. And guess what, HE HUGGED US~!!!
While being hugged we had some chit chat about the future. Where us would be married to someone unknown only for our kingdom's sake and bla bla bla... until we finally got sad that he was actually the one we loved (of course we didn't say that) and we cried softly where he tried to cheer us up.
When we finally fell a little bit asleep, he started blabbering about himself and his feeling...
And the next you'll find is... him kissng us~

Let me repeat it.




And that happened when we were half asleep. And just when he was about to confess his feeling to us, the rescue group had come to save us.

The next track, he found us at the balcony staring at the night sky. There, he asked politely to talk with us.
He told us about him understand about our sadness, that if we wanted to, he could just pen the cage that keep us from being free (he means he asked us to runaway with him :3)
But we keep insisting to stay there and fulfilled our duty as the princess of the kingdom.
There he got surprised and swear on us that he would be forever by our sides as our knight to protect us, then he kissed our hand.

The next day was the royal wedding day. And until then, we still have no idea what kind of hubby we would get.
We're still in our room, preparing ourselves, accompanied by some maidens and servants there when we heard a guy's voice outside our door.
He was talking about hubby-wifey thing to someone unknown.
So then, he knocked our door and asked politely to come inside. And yes, it was William-sama~

Just when he walked in and saw us, his eyes widened and speechless at once (actually the eyes widened thing was my only imagination LOL)
So then, he got a grip of himself again and complimented our beauty as he gave our bouquet.

There were some shocking line from him where he exclaimed that this was their first meeting.

Yeah, so then he explained everything to us, and finally the wedding went like I've always dreamt~
Okay, then, the night went ok until we tried to got some stroll in the middle of the night.
Luckily, he grasped our hand and start kissing like hell -//w//-
So yeah the night was so romantic...
I just think that I would ruin the mood if I told you~

Ah, such a lovely drama cd that kinda rare to be seen nowadays. The plot is light and full of love~

If I could rate it from 1 to 10, I would give this cd 10~
Not only because this was fully recorded with dummy head mic that could make us went eargasm doki doki all the time, but also because of Kakki's effort to put such 'life' in his role as a white knight here.
He did a good job that makes me feel like truly being a princess that loved so much by her prnce. Every time I heard his words, I went blushing all the way~ 
Truly I am impressed with his voice acting here. Knowing him in Hana to Akuma as a servant of an evil and him as Natsu Dragneel in Fairy Tail, I really like his character here :3
Besides, the backsound is very sweet and match with the setting of the old era. I just love it :))

On October 16th, we're going to face another knight LOL
Torikago no Toraware Hime: Kuro Kishi no Shou
The cast has been announced, and he is Morikubo Shoutaro~

I really can't wait to hear it and make a review about it soon~

Well, until then, applause for Kakihara Tetsuya for his work here~<3


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