Review: Kankin Danshi Vol. 02 ~ Yokushitsu no Himitsu

Honetly, at first I never interested in this series and I just heard the second volume of this series...
Yandere is not my bias actually, especially the one with dark content (Yes, I'm a ama-ama-shoujo type XD)
But I think I was expecting too high about it, and that's actually the thing that led me to make this review~

Ah yes, righttt...
WARNING!!! This CD doesn't only contain yandere guy, but also a neko-maniac-rapist guy XD
Unless you're a granny old enough, please stay away from this CD~

Saa, Hajimeyou ka~

So basically, he opened the track with him asking you whether you're awake or not, and made some rumblings in and out about you and all was your fault for blah blah blah...
Then the story went back to the first time you met.

The story started in a cafe where a bishie guy came and ordered a coffee to the waitress (yes, that's you~)
He seemed like a normal guy at first, but his affection toward you seem to be counted as abnormal..

One day, he accidentally bumped into you. I'm not sure whether you fell or not, but surely he became panic and asked whether you got injured or not.
He felt sooo guilty that he ended up offering to walk you in and you foolly gladly accepted.
You two grew closer and closer... and everything seem to be okay at first between you and him.

But when he caught you tried to calling someone, which he was 100% sure that it was a guy, he suddenly started acting strange. You said that he was your childhood friend, but he didn't believe you an just locked you in a bathroom, inside a bath and chained~

Of course, he raep did you in force the first time he abducted you. And you hate  him but you're too weak to do any defense or protests. 
The net day he still chained you because you still trying to runaway (Normally I would do the same, of course XD)
You asked him to lend him his phone because you were afraid about people (or maybe the osananajimi?) wondering about your whereabouts. So he did it while kissing you lightly...
But when no people answering your phone, you got weakened and he kept complimenting you as good girl.

Sometimes later, while still being chained, he brought you accompany... yep~ a kitten which he called as Chibi-san. Hahaha, sooooo cute~
The next day, he brought some cat food and admitted that he really didn't know which one is better so he ended up buying all of them (the typical of man XD)

"Chibi-san, which one do you like most? Good girl, please eat a lot.."
And suddenly he turned to you and said
"So, what kind of food should this kitten get from me? *kiss*"

Cool huh? Hahahah, I never thought a guy with yandere personality could be like this

The next track is the second H scene in this CD, which took place before he took you to take a bath~
While he at first calling you his pet, he started to care you more and more each day.
When he finished, he let you took a bath~

I'm not sure what the heroine did in the next track, but I'm sure that since you had acted so sweet these days, he let you out from your chain and brought you to his room to sleep there. You were extremely delight since that was your first time having scenery of outside after a long time.
He only wanted to keep you there and sleep with you.

In this point, you're free to choose between two options: Stay with him or Runaway

If you choose to stay with him, it would lead you to HAPPY END tracks which started with him being extremely panic since he couldn't find you beside him in the morning. When he saw you in the living room, he felt extremely relieved.
Then, he told you the story of his past where he always left all alone and that's why he wanted to have a kitten back then. Only to find that kitten gone in the next morning.
From there, he felt so depressed and still felt the same, that's why he kidnapped you in the first place.

He confessed to you that he liked you and you said that you also felt that way too, and voila! You got a pretty indecent yet sweet sex scene in the next HAPPY END track.
In the last track, he finally let you working again as the waitress where he still visited it EVERYDAY (Well, you can't be a yandere without being super obsessed with you belongings, ain't you?)
He ordered the coffee while teasing you and ended the track by whispering "ILY" softly in your ear.

On the other side, if you chose to RUNAWAY (Which I would choose if I were her and while I still had my normal mind)
You'd got caught by him and Tadaa! Here's the BAD END~
Well, everybody knew that every Yandere's BAD END in R18 is being their SEX TOY!!!
And that's it, I won't tell you any of it... 

Judgement time~!
Just like what I've told you before, I expected higher with this CD. Which in this context, would mean that it is actually not really that dark.
And surprisingly, I am quite impressed with this character that I found the happy end isn't really that bad..

The moment when he let go of the chain might be my second favorite scene here, and I really didn't surprised at all that he only made the heroine his sex pet in the Bad End.

The background music is very light and I just think it's fit. Unfortunately, the cover of this CD isn't really appealing to me. Thanks to the white hair art that drew interest in me while I am looking at this CD..

In its Tokuten CD,
The story tells when they are already officially a lovey-dovey-bird, and of course they have sex...
after it's finished he asked you to have a bath together but you said that you couldn't move so he let you be and ended up sleeping together.

In the morning, he woke up and kissed you again which turned into a hot make out and another sex

After that, he said how your face had shown how you feel (read = satisfied) but UNFORTUNATELY, he hadn't satisfied so he decided to have a second round with you..
The End...

Okay, it's only a cliche thing in R-18 Tokuten CD, so yeah.. I don't have any comment about this CD since Okitsu Kazuyuki-san has acted great here.

Aaaanndddd, I decided to rate this CD 9 out of 10
Well done~
It's still worth to listen to in  my personal opinion.
Then, until my next review~!


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