I'm Alive~!

Sorry for being dead inactive for centuries a looooooong time
Lots of things happened to me during my inactive period...

Plus, I'm somewhat being mooooooooore and mooooore in love with those gorgeous guy we called seiyuus~ #fangirling

From Do-S to Do-M, from taundere to yandere, from DAISAKU to TATTSUN~

What a wonderful creature... LOL
Sooo, cause I'm still a newbie and somewhat always clumsy and do lots of mistakes during. writing this post,
I hope all of you would be kind to me and help me during my time to get used to this thingie called blogging... *bows*

This blog is all about junk and shits my rambles about my suck life.
And of course about all drama cds I'm crazy about~
Some seiyuus that makes my life brighter, and also about my tweets about some otome game and who knows about some K-drama~

I might give some review about old drama cds too,
Yes, I know that it's late to give a review now...
But hell, who cares???

Others than being obsessive and possesive in love with seiyuu and otaku, I don't bite.... hard~ :3
So please, don't bother to give some comments here and there...
I love to talk to everyone...

Just know that every action has reaction~
So if you're bad with me... I'll be an EVIL to you >=D

Ah okay, that's all for now~
I'll post some other time later
I hope it won't take a long time to do that :3


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